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3-day Rainforest Immersion

| Jungle Experience

Chaikuni Institute

Join us for a three-day experience, living at the center and getting to know the local team of workers. Listen to the night concerts of the forest, hear the stories of the people who live here and feel the energy of breathing in our Earth’s lungs.

| Jungle Experience

Chaikuni Institute

Join us for a three-day experience, living at the center and getting to know the local team of workers. Listen to the night concerts of the forest, hear the stories of the people who live here and feel the energy of breathing in our Earth’s lungs.

Basic info

Please fill out your basic details.

Traveler info

Please fill out your details.


Emergency contact

Please fill out the details about someone that can be reached in case of emergency.


Please fill out your fee and accomodation

Terms and agreements

Please read the following statements and check the boxes if you accept them.

I understand I have to make a $300 dollars deposit through PayPal within 48 hours of having sent this form to guarantee my registration and that my balance must be paid in full 30 days prior to the start of the course.

I understand that the Chaikuni Institute strongly recommends flight and travel insurance to cover all contingencies and nonrefundable deposits and expenses.

I agree to keep my phone off or in airplane mode during the experience. If I choose to use it as a camera, it is with my understanding that I won’t be able to charge it.

*Note: Should your family need to reach you in an emergency, they can email or WhatsApp +51 979 329 682 and you will receive support to communicate back to them. Please inform your loved ones that you will be offline during the experience.

I agree with the restriction on not use nor possess of alcohol, cannabis or street drugs (cocaine, ecstasy, LSD, etc.) during the experience. If I break this agreement, I understand I can be expelled without prior notice, refund nor accommodation outside the Chaikuni Institute.

I express full understanding of the risks that I may encounter in this environment during the experience. I absolve the Chaikuni Institute and employees of this responsibility and I agree that any legal action will only take place in Peru under Peruvian Law.


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