External: Add Event for Review

  • Form must be completed at least 20 days before the date you select below.
  • Essential you fill out in as much detail as possible. The time/date will not be on our calendar until all the info is on hand with us.

What time do you begin setup? What times do you teardown, and leave the venue?

Do you have performers/live music? -

If yes, how many & what type (e.g. 3 DJ’s)? -

What area(s) do you want performer(s) set up in? -

Do you expect to use house sound system, an outside PA, or both? -

For each crew-member: Name | Position | Email | Phone (We need this for all promoters, crew, performers, vendors etc)

How do you plan to cover costs, and in what amount? e.g. Flat fee? Percent of bar sales?
Define your expectations from the venue, not represented elsewhere. Use of house sound system, special drinks, artwork (some of these should have been discussed prior).

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