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Bike & Learn Academy Ventoux 25 - Registration

June 12th to 15th, 2025 - 4th edition

Early bird rate available until March 1st, 2025

Learn safe riding within a secured, pro and fun environment.


Meet professionals from all over Europe with common interests.


Ride around breathtaking views including Mont Ventoux, Gorges de la Nesque, Montmiral, Vineyards...


Learn from technical workshops on and off the bike (riding in a peloton, cornering, descending, bike fit, puncture repair...)

Can't wait to ride together !

Image - Personal infos
Image - Accommodation infos

Includes 3 hotel nights, daily breakfasts, snacks, 3 lunches, 1 dinner, warmup and stretching and mechanical assistance.

Massages support are available but not included (excl. parts).

Image - Confidential infos
Image - Cycling gear
Image - My bike or renting
Image - Training app