Burning Man 2025 - BRC Snow Club Camper Interest Form

So you want to camp with BRC Snow Club at Burning Man this year? You're in the right place!

In 2023, we successfully built the first-ever dry ski slope on playa! Then last year, we added a kicker to the slope and partnered with BRC Ski Resort to bring the entire ski resort experience to Black Rock City.

Now, in 2025, we're returning with a solid core crew, exciting improvements to camp, more cool art, and potentially some VERY exciting collaborations!

If you're interested in potentially joining our camp, please review our 2025 Camp Info Deck then fill out the form below and we'll be in touch (please be patient)!

⚠️ Do not fill out a "couple" form! Each interested camper must complete their own form to be considered.

City, State, Country (if outside the US)

If you know anyone who has camped with us or is part of the community, please tell us who!

Where can we find you on socials?

How many years have you attended Burning Man?

How many regionals have you attended?

⚒️ Build week is August 17th thru the 23rd. 

🎉 Event week is August 24th thru September 1st.

We understand it's still early and things may change, but we'd like to get a sense of what your plans are. Please answer the following to the best of your ability.

Dates are TBD, but are you able to help with pre-event work day(s) in Richmond, CA?

Are you interested in participating in build week?

What is the earliest you plan to arrive on playa?

What is the latest you plan to leave playa?

What will you be bringing for shelter?

Please include ALL required space you will need for your shelter.

What is your approximate camping footprint (feet x feet)?

BRC Snow Club is a community of snow-loving, open-minded, adventure seekers that embody the 10 Principles of Burning Man both on and off the mountain.

Above all else, we're a community. Part of what makes this community strong is how we show up for and hold each other accountable.

Try as we might to plan for everything, some things are impossible to predict (think “Mudpocalypse 2023”) so we expect campers to remain flexible should unexpected circumstances arise.

Please review our BRCSC Camper Agreements.

Do you agree to uphold all the camper agreements?

I understand that if I fail to uphold the camper agreements, I may forfeit my dues and place in camp.

We use email to communicate important updates and summaries.

Can you commit to checking your email on a regular basis and reading / responding (when necessary) to BRCSC emails?

We use Discord for important real-time camper and community communications.

Can you commit to enabling Discord push notifications and responding (when necessary) to messages?

Do you have any special skills or certifications that might come in handy?

Is there anything else you'd like to us to know?

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