Your proposal should include at least the following sections:
Proposer: XXX
=> Links to Socials: Twitter, Linked-In, Github (personal)
Payment Network & Address: XXX
Project Abstract
* Overview of Project and current status
* Overview of how the project will integrate with Cere Ecosystem.
* Why your team is interested.
* Current Project Funding
New Features
About the Team
* Team lead and other team contacts, roles and responsibilities.
* Brief description of past experiences.
* Team Website: XXX
* Team Gitub Organization
* Related Code Repos: XXX
* Legal Structure: (eg, Freelance, Inc, NGO, DAO, etc)
Project Roadmap / Key Milestones
* Brief description of what has been done already.
* Summary of project milestones and deliverables, with estimated time and cost expected to complete each milestone, or any other resources required.
Marketing & Community Engagement Plan
* Additional resources and activities to be published, if any.
Additional Information
* Anything else you'd like to share that will help the Grants Committee understand your proposal better.