LRC feedback form

A feedback form for LRC staff and student patrons to submit feedback (positive or critical) about the LRC, and to offer suggestions for improvements for the community space.

Provide a title for your feedback or report.

Your GVSU email address ending in Required for follow-up on you feedback submission.

Please enter a GVSU email address if you wish to receive follow-up on your feedback (e.g., actions taken to address your suggestions or concerns).

General feedback/suggestions for improvement: general feedback or suggestions for improvement for the LRC that don't fit into another specific topic.

Language resources: feedback or suggestions for improvements on language and cultural resources provided by the LRC. Examples include the LRC's international film collection, textbook audio/video, online websites/apps for language-learning, and music playlists to name a few.

Community space/culture: feedback or incident reporting about what is happening in the community with specific individuals or groups, or the community climate as a whole.

LRC HQ (HR; workflows; documentation; etc): feedback about LRC HQ "internals", such as Human Resources needs, workflows, documentation, or LRC-driven initiatives such as Community Engagement.

LRC supervisors: feedback on how LRC supervisors are doing, changes staff would like to see in supervisory/management procedures, or follow-up on specific feedback that has not yet been addressed.

For Campus Climate Concerns, or Title IX harassment, discrimination, retaliation, or sexual misconduct/assault, please use the incident reporting form instead.

The date of your feedback. If this is a recurring situation/incident, please provide additional information on past recurrences in the description area at the end of the form.

Who is impacted? Specific individuals or groups that are affected the feedback you are reporting.

Examples may include individual students/groups, LRC staff, or the LRC community as a whole.

Indicate the urgency level of your feedback. Typically, high-urgency feedback will be prioritized over low-urgency feedback, but all feedback is addressed on a case-by-case basis. Select the urgency level that you feel is appropriate based on the situation.

(Optionally) meet with Chris and/or David in-person to discuss or escalate this feedback.

Describe your feedback or suggestions for improvement in as much detail as possible. For feedback on LRC community climate, include names, date/time, and people in the room if you can, and detail what was said, the tone of the conversation, presumed intent of the speaker, and any other detail you feel is relevant to the context of the situation. This will help Chris and David address the situation appropriately.

If you have a substantial write-up that exceeds 2000 characters, please upload a copy (.docx, .pdf, etc.) separately in the field below.

Any additional documentation, images, etc. that you have to provide additional context to your feedback/incident report.

Accepted filetypes: jpg, jpeg, png, gif, doc, docx, pdf, xls, xlsx.

Click to choose file(s) or drag here

Size limit: 10MB per file

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