Monthly Audit Submission

Hey Sensible Woo peeps!

Ready to submit your "thing" for your monthly audit? You can submit whatever you're working on for feedback & strategy.

Remember that you get 1 audit per month, so if you submit multiple things, they may not get reviewed in the same month.

Not sure what to submit? You can talk about that with me on Voxer! Let's always choose the thing that will move you forward more elegantly this month...

  • You can give me links to your webpage
  • You can also give me the shared Google link if it's a Google Doc
  • If you have images or content that you're creating, you can share those files or screenshots in a Google Drive folder and give me the link to see it

Please answer the questions as best you can and we'll clarify anything through our voice notes. I'll review your materials and we'll find the next best step in our chats on Voxer!

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