Form Cover Picture

PEC 2024 MF Applications

The EISA PEC Mobility Fund is designed to provide financial support for PEC participants. In line with our commitment to inclusivity, the Fund aims to make EISA events accessible to every member of our academic community, including doctoral researchers, early career scholars, colleagues on short-term and/or precarious contracts, scholars from the global South as well as those who face discrimination and marginalisation.

If you are an Early Career IPE scholar attending a PEC event, you can apply for an EISA x RIPE Mobility Grant.

Please visit our website for more information on the selection criteria and funding details.

Please list your country of residence.
Please choose the funding scheme you would like to apply.
Please tick this box to confirm your EISA membership. Mobility Fund applicants must be EISA members at the time of application.
Please tick this box if you are an Early Career Scholar (i.e. you received your PhD degree within the last 5 years).
Please tick this box if you already have financial support from your institution or other funding bodies. EISA will only consider applications from participants with existing sources of financial support if the amount of that support is less than €100 (e.g. If a participant has already received €150 from their own institution they should not apply). Please submit a document that confirms your existing funding using the 'Other Attachments' link below.
If you attended EISA events in the past, please choose the relevant options.
Please provide the amount in Euro (€).

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Size limit: 10MB per file

Your personal statement should not be longer than a single page.

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Size limit: 10MB per file

Proof of financial support or lack thereof,signed by the applicant’s institution and/or funding body.