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Sulzberger Application

Thank you for your interest in the Sulzberger Executive Leadership Program at the Columbia Graduate School of Journalism. 

Application Deadline: Oct 13, 2024

Final Decisions: Nov 01, 2024

Residency #1: Jan 06-17, 2025

Residency #2: May 19-23, 2025

This application consists of five parts:

1) Basic Information

2) Demographic Information

3) Application Questions

4) Financial Considerations

5) Additional Questions

Let's begin!

(For international applicants, please see privacy notice: https://www.cuit.columbia.edu/privacy-notice)

1) Basic Information

This section will collect some basic information about you, your organization, and how we can get in touch.

Add your work email for your current organization.
Add a personal email that you can still access if you leave your current organization.
Add a cell phone number that can receive both calls and texts.

2) Demographic Information

The Sulzberger Program is dedicated to creating and promoting a diverse, inclusive, and equitable environment within the program and in the journalism industry at large. That starts with the cohort we form. We strongly encourage applications from and nominations of rising leaders who self-identify as being from groups typically underrepresented in journalism. This next section asks you about your demographic information to help us make sure we are on pace to achieve those goals. You are not required to answer these questions.

3) Application Questions

Now, let's dig into your background, why you want to be a Sulzberger Fellow, and how you'll make the most of your experience. This next section will ask you 5 questions that we'd like you to answer in about a paragraph in English.

(For context, please include who you lead and who you report to.)
(if you prefer to submit a pdf, paste a link to the file)
What problem are you trying to solve and why? What team, resources, and internal support for this project do you currently have? How much time can you spend on this project as part of your current job?

4) Financial Considerations

The Sulzberger Fellowship is open to any leader in journalism and media from anywhere in the world to apply to directly. Tuition is $20,000. Most fellows are sponsored directly by their employer or by a donor to their employer. Available scholarships are listed on our website and new scholarships may become available throughout the application period. Individuals without a sponsoring organization or relevant scholarship may also choose to apply directly and self-fund. This section helps us understand where you are coming from in this process.


All applicants should talk to their employers about potential sponsorship before the application deadline, including all scholarship applicants. However, we encourage all interested individuals to apply directly to the program regardless of their current sponsorship status.

Full Name, Title, Email (if known)


Currently, the following scholarship(s) are available through Columbia University for the Sulzberger Program:

Google News Initiative (Underrepresented Leaders, Global)

Google News Initiative is sponsoring a limited number of scholarships, including tuition and travel, for leaders from groups typically underrepresented in journalism. Any leader in journalism who self-identifies as being from a group typically underrepresented in journalism is eligible to apply. All tuition and travel costs for three weeks in New York City will be covered. 

Note: Since there are a limited number of scholarships all applicants should still talk to their organizations about potential sponsorship before the application deadline.

5) Additional Information

Vaccination Status

The Sulzberger Program involves 3 weeks of intensive in-person instruction on the campus of Columbia Journalism School in New York City. Our expectation is that all fellows and faculty will be fully vaccinated and boosted against COVID-19 by the start of the program. What is your vaccination status?

Anything else?

6) Submit Your Application:

All information submitted becomes property of Columbia Journalism School and are not to be returned. We value your privacy. This information will not be shared or sold to any third party. For international applicants, please see privacy notice: https://www.cuit.columbia.edu/privacy-notice

**By electronically signing below, you affirm that all information submitted in this application is your own work, factually true and honestly presented, and you understand you may be subject to disciplinary actions, including admission revocation, should any information you certified be false.**