You can connect your NotionForms to other services via our two integrations: Zapier and Webhooks. Use our integrations to automate your various workflows.
Zapier is an automation tool that allows you to move data between your web apps automatically. You can use our Zapier integration to create Zaps, to automatically send your NotionForms submission to 3000+ apps, in million ways. Use our integration to connect Notion & NotionForms with Google Sheets, Gmail, Slack, Google Calendar, Mailchimp, Twitter, Trello, Airtable and much more.
How can you use this integration?
Here are some example zaps you can build with Zapier & NotionForms:
- Send an email when you receive a new form submission
- Send a slack message when you receive a new form submission
- Send form submissions to Google sheet
- Generate PDF's from NotionForms submission

If you're not using Zapier, or if you want to integrate NotionForms with our own custom application, we also offer webhooks support. You can easily enable webhooks for your form and we will send every submission straight to any URL or compatible web application as soon as it’s submitted.
How can you use this integration?
- Send your form submissions directly to your database
- Send your form submission to another automation tool such as Integromat or