10 Popular Notion Formulas of 2024 You Should Be Using Now

Discover 10 must-use Notion formulas in 2024 to streamline workflow and boost productivity.

10 Popular Notion Formulas of 2024 You Should Be Using Now
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Running a business is a challenging task. You have a million moving parts to keep track of to ensure things run smoothly. Just when you think you have everything organized, something will change. A client will request a new change to a project—so now you need to adjust your plans and keep track of this information so that it doesn’t fall through the cracks. The notion is fantastic for helping you keep track of all of this information.
Still, Notion formulas can help you automatically make these adjustments, creating a smoother transition to keep your business on track. In this guide, we’ll introduce you to Notion formulas and highlight ten popular Ones in 2024 that you should use to help your business.  Notion templates are a great way to organize your business in Notion, but adding formulas will take your productivity to the next level.
NoteForms’s solution, Notion Forms, is valuable for helping readers achieve their objectives, such as knowing the 10 popular Notion Formulas of 2024 you should be using now. Avoid technical jargon and focus on the benefits of their goals.

What Are Notion Formulas?

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Notion Formulas are powerful tools that allow you to perform calculations, manipulate text, and automate tasks within your Notion databases. They're mini-programming languages embedded directly into your notes, enabling you to create dynamic and interactive content.

How Notion Formulas Work

Formulas use a specific syntax that combines functions, operators, and values. When you enter a formula into a cell, Notion automatically calculates the result based on the information provided.

Critical Components of a Notion Formula


These are predefined operations that perform specific tasks. Examples include sum, average, concat, prop, dateAdd, formatDate, contains, replace, and if.


These symbols combine values or perform calculations. Common operators include + (addition), - (subtraction),  (multiplication), / (division), = (equality), <> (inequality), >, <, >=, <=, && (logical AND), and || (logical OR).


These can be numbers, text strings, dates, or references to other properties within your database.

Everyday Use Cases for Notion Formulas


Summing, averaging, calculating percentages, calculating compound interest, and more.

Text Manipulation

Concatenating strings, extracting substrings, formatting text, checking if a string contains a specific substring, and replacing text within a string.

Date and Time Operations

Calculating differences, adding or subtracting days, weeks, months, or years, formatting dates, and checking if a date falls within a specific range.

Conditional Logic

It creates formulas that perform different actions based on specific conditions, such as checking if a value exceeds a certain threshold or a property equals a particular value.


Automating tasks like assigning labels, creating linked pages, sending notifications, and updating properties based on specific criteria.

Advanced Formula Techniques

Nested Formulas

You can combine multiple functions within a single formula to perform complex calculations. For example, you could calculate the average of a filtered set of values using a combination of avg and filter.

Custom Properties

You can create custom properties calculated using formulas. This allows you to derive new information from existing data without manually entering it.

Database References

You can reference properties from other databases within your formulas, enabling you to create relationships and dependencies between different pieces of information.


Rollups allow you to aggregate data from related databases, making it more accessible to get a high-level overview of your information.
By mastering Notion formulas, you can significantly enhance the functionality of your databases and streamline your workflow. Whether you're a student, a professional, or simply someone looking to organize your life, Notion formulas provide a powerful tool for automation and customization.

How to Apply Notion Formulas

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Set Up Your Database: The First Steps to Applying Notion Formulas

How to Create a New Database in Notion

Start by creating a new database in Notion. This will serve as the foundation for your inventory management system.

Define Your Database Properties

Add properties to your database to store information about each inventory item. Essential properties include:

Item Name

A title property to identify each item uniquely.


A number property to track the current quantity of the item in stock.

Unit Cost

Several properties record the cost of each unit.

Purchase Date

A date property to indicate when the item was purchased.

Expiration Date

Date property to track the item's expiration date (if applicable).


Select a property to specify the location where the item is stored.


A select property to identify the supplier of the item.

Create Calculated Properties: Boost Your Notion Databases with Formulas

Total Cost

Add a new formula property to calculate the total cost of each item based on its quantity and unit cost. Use the formula: prop("Quantity")  prop("Unit Cost")

Weighted Average Cost of Goods Sold (WACOGS)

Calculate the average cost of goods sold based on the weighted average of the unit cost of each item. This is especially useful for businesses that purchase inventory at different prices over time. Use the formula: sum(prop("Quantity")  prop("Unit Cost")) / sum(prop("Quantity"))

Inventory Turns

Measure how efficiently you're managing your inventory by calculating the number of times your average inventory is sold during a specific period. Use the formula: (Cost of Goods Sold) / (Average Inventory)

Inventory Variance

Analyze the difference between actual and planned inventory levels to identify discrepancies and potential issues.

Inventory Aging

Track how long items have been in stock to identify potential obsolescence and improve cash flow. Use the formula: dateDiff(now(), prop("Purchase Date"), "days")

Implement Conditional Logic: Add Intuitive Functions to Your Notion Databases

Reorder Point

Set a threshold for when to reorder an item based on its quantity. Use a conditional formatting rule to highlight rows where the amount is below the reorder point.


Utilize Notion's automation features (available in Notion Pro) to automatically trigger purchase orders when inventory levels reach the reorder point. This can streamline your procurement process and ensure you always have sufficient stock.

Visualize Your Data: Turn Insights into Action with Notion Database Charts


Create charts to visualize your inventory data and gain valuable insights. For example, you can use a line chart to track inventory levels over time, a bar chart to compare the total cost of different items, or a pie chart to analyze inventory distribution by category.


Combine multiple charts and other elements into a single dashboard for a comprehensive overview of your inventory. This can help you identify trends, make data-driven decisions, and monitor key performance indicators.

Enhance Your Inventory Management: Integrate Advanced Features for Optimal Performance


Consider integrating your Notion database with other tools, such as accounting software or point-of-sale systems, to streamline your workflow and improve data accuracy.

Advanced Formulas

Explore more complex formulas to perform advanced calculations, such as calculating safety stock levels, forecasting demand, or analyzing inventory profitability.

Custom Properties

Create custom properties to track additional information relevant to your business needs, such as item serial numbers, vendor ratings, or quality control data.


Share your inventory database with team members to facilitate collaboration and ensure everyone can access the latest information.

Inventory Management Techniques in Notion

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1. Forecasting Inventory Demand: Stay Ahead of the Game with Statistical Methods, Demand Segmentation, and Scenario Planning

Statistical Methods

Employ sophisticated statistical methods, such as moving averages, exponential smoothing, or time series analysis, to predict future demand based on historical data. Consider factors like seasonality, trend analysis, and external factors like economic indicators or competitor activity.

Demand Segmentation

Divide your customer base into segments based on demographics, purchasing behavior, or geographic location. This allows you to tailor your forecasting models to specific customer groups.

Scenario Planning

Develop multiple demand scenarios to account for different potential outcomes, such as economic downturns, product launches, or changes in consumer preferences.

2. Inventory Optimization: Streamline Your Operations with ABC Analysis, EOQ, and Safety Stock

ABC Analysis

Categorize inventory items based on their value and usage to prioritize management efforts. Allocate resources and attention to high-value items while implementing leaner strategies for low-value items.

EOQ (Economic Order Quantity)

Balance ordering and holding costs to determine the optimal order quantity to minimize inventory costs. Consider factors such as demand variability, lead times, and carrying costs.

Safety Stock

Calculate the appropriate safety stock level to buffer against uncertainties in demand or supply. Use statistical methods like standard deviation or service level analysis to determine the optimal safety stock level.

3. Inventory Valuation: Choose the Right Method for Your Business

FIFO (First-In, First-Out)

Assume that the first items purchased are the first ones sold. This method is often used in industries with perishable goods or rapidly changing inventory values.

LIFO (Last-In, First-Out)

Assume that the last items purchased are the first ones sold. This method can be advantageous during periods of inflation as it can result in lower taxable income.

Average Cost

Calculate the average cost of all units in inventory. This method provides a consistent valuation but may need to reflect the cost of goods sold in certain situations accurately.

4. Inventory Risk Management: Identify and Mitigate Risks to Your Inventory


Identify and manage items at risk of becoming obsolete due to technological advancements, changing consumer preferences, or product life cycles. Implement strategies like markdown pricing, repurposing, or recycling to minimize losses.


Implement measures to prevent damage to inventory, such as proper storage conditions, handling procedures, and quality control checks. Consider using protective packaging, labeling, and segregation techniques.


Implement security measures, such as surveillance systems, access controls, and employee training, to deter theft and track inventory losses. Conduct physical inventories regularly to detect discrepancies and investigate potential robberies.

5. Inventory Auditing: Ensure Accurate Records to Improve Efficiency

Physical Inventory

Conduct regular physical counts to verify inventory accuracy and identify discrepancies. To improve efficiency and accuracy, consider using barcode scanning or RFID technology.

Cycle Counting

Perform periodic counts of specific inventory items to improve efficiency and accuracy without disrupting daily operations. Implement a cycle counting plan to cover all inventory items within a specified period.

Variance Analysis

Identify and investigate discrepancies between physical counts and recorded inventory levels. Analyze variances to identify root causes and implement corrective actions. Incorporating these advanced techniques into your Notion inventory management system can further optimize your operations, reduce costs, and improve overall business performance.

How to Integrate Notion with Other Tools

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Notion is a powerful tool that shines when you integrate it with other applications. You can connect Notion with almost any tool you can think of using native integrations, API solutions like Zapier, and integration tools like Automate.io. With these methods, you can create automated workflows that help Notion and your other apps work better together for smoother operations.

Meet NoteForms, Notion's Form Building Powerhouse

NoteForms is a valuable addition to the Notion ecosystem. This powerful and customizable form builder integrates seamlessly with Notion databases to help you collect and manage data efficiently. With NoteForms, you can create forms quickly to streamline data collection so you can focus on other essential tasks.

Key Features of NoteForms

NoteForms comes loaded with features to enhance your Notion experience. Here’s a closer look at what you get:

Create Forms from Existing Notion Databases

You can easily create forms directly from your existing Notion databases, saving time and effort.

Store Submissions in Notion Databases

NoteForms automatically stores form submissions in your chosen Notion database so you can manage data in one centralized location.

Unlimited Forms and Submissions

There’s no limit to how many forms you can create or how many submissions you can collect.

Full Customization

NoteForms gives you complete control over your forms with features like custom domains, design, logic, and webhooks.

Embeddable Forms

You can embed forms directly into your Notion pages or external websites for a seamless user experience.


NoteForms connects with other tools like email, Zapier, and Slack to automate workflows and enhance functionality.

Support for Notion-Specific Columns

NoteForms allows you to work with Notion's unique column types, including relations and people, to create rich and informative forms.

Write to Page Body

You can automatically add form submissions to the body of a Notion page, simplifying data organization and analysis.

Database Views as a Sub-Product

You can leverage NoteForms to create database views, which visually represent your data for easier analysis and management.

Benefits of Using NoteForms

NoteForms offers several benefits that help improve your productivity and simplify your Notion experience. Here are some of the most impactful advantages of using this tool:

Streamlined Data Collection

NoteForms makes it easy to collect data from users and store it directly in your Notion database. This eliminates manual data entry, reducing errors and saving time.

Centralized Management

Keep all your forms and submissions organized in one place. This simplifies management and access for your entire team.

Simplified Workflows

Automate tasks and streamline processes using NoteForms' integrations and automation features to enhance your productivity.

Enhanced Productivity

Create forms quickly and efficiently to focus on more important tasks.

Cost Savings

Reduce administrative overhead and eliminate the need for separate form-building tools using NoteForms.

Improved User Experience

Create visually appealing and user-friendly forms that are easy for respondents to complete.

Enhanced Data Quality

Validate form submissions to ensure data accuracy and consistency to reduce the risk of errors and inconsistencies.

Increased Engagement

Use conditional logic to create dynamic forms that adapt to user input for a more engaging and personalized experience.

Improved Collaboration

Share forms and submissions with team members to facilitate collaboration and ensure everyone has access to the latest information.

Enhanced Analytics

Track form submissions, response rates, and other metrics to measure your forms' effectiveness and identify areas for improvement.

Who Should Use NoteForms?

NoteForms is ideal for Notion power users and any professionals who rely on data collection to improve their workflows. This includes:

SaaS Startups

Businesses want to streamline data collection and improve customer acquisition and onboarding processes.


Instructors who need to collect assignments, quizzes, or feedback from students in a structured and efficient manner.

Freelancers and Consultants

Professionals who need to collect client information, proposals, or contracts.

Non-Profit Organizations

Organizations that need to collect donations, event registrations, or survey responses.

Market Research Firms

Companies are conducting surveys or collecting customer feedback.

Human Resources Departments

Organizations must collect employee information, feedback forms, or performance reviews.

Event Planners

Individuals or organizations are planning events and must collect registrations, RSVPs, or dietary preferences.

Small Businesses

Companies that need to collect customer information, feedback, or orders.
By leveraging NoteForms, you can create professional-looking forms, collect data efficiently, and automate workflows, ultimately boosting your productivity and simplifying your Notion experience.

10 Essential Notion Formulas to Master

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1. Basic Calculations

Numbers are critical for every business. Notion formulas make it easy to work with numbers, especially within databases. The most essential Notion formulas for calculating numerical values are basic calculations, which include the sum, average, and count formulas.


Sum(prop("Property Name")) - Calculates the total value of a numerical property.


Average(prop("Property Name")) - Calculates the mean value of a numerical property.


Count(prop("Property Name")) - Counts the number of non-empty entries in a property.

2. Text Manipulation

Notion allows users to create custom databases and properties to organize information. These properties can be numerical, date, or text-based. Text manipulation formulas help you organize, analyze, and restructure text properties to your liking. Here are three essential text manipulation formulas:


Concat (prop("Property 1"), prop("Property 2")) - Combines two or more text properties into a single string.


Length (prop("Property Name")) - Determines the number of characters in a text property.


Replace (prop("Property Name"), "old text", "new text") - Substitutes a specific text string with another within a property.

3. Date and Time

Almost every business activity occurs over time. Therefore, tracking dates and times and creating a formula to analyze them is vital for any business. Notion offers three formulas that help users calculate and format date properties:


dateAdd(now(), -30, "days") - Adds or subtracts a specified number of days, weeks, months, or years to a date.


dateDiff(now(), prop("Due Date"), "days") - Calculates the difference between two dates in days, weeks, months, or years.


formatDate(prop("Due Date"), "MMMM D, YYYY") - Formats a date according to a specified pattern.

4. Logical Operations

Logical operation formulas help users make sense of their databases by creating conditions to analyze data. For example, an if formula can return a value based on whether a specific condition is true or false. Functions can also help users create complex filtering conditions and organize databases.


If (prop("Status") == "Complete", "Done", "Pending") - Returns one value if a condition is true, and another if it's false.


And (prop("Status") == "Complete", prop("Priority") == "High") - Returns true if all conditions are true.


Or (prop("Status") == "Complete", prop("Status") == "Pending") - Returns true if at least one condition is true.

5. Property References

Notion formulas can help you reference, analyze, and calculate data from related databases. Two essential property reference formulas include:


prop("Property Name") - References the value of a property within a formula.
Related (prop("Relation Property")) - References a related database property.

6. Advanced Functions

Advanced functions help users get more specific with their data analysis, giving them greater control over their databases. Three advanced functions to master include:


Filter (prop("Status") == "Complete") - Filters a database based on a specified condition.


Rollup(prop("Relation Property"), prop("Number Property")) - Aggregates data from related databases.


Select (prop("Status"), ["Complete", "Pending"]) - Creates a select list with predefined options.

7. Conditional Formatting

Conditional formatting formulas help users visually organize their databases in Notion. Instead
of simply creating a filter to analyze a database, you can use conditional formatting to highlight certain cells based on specific criteria. This helps you quickly understand your data without having to open and read through filter results.


Highlight (prop("Status") == "Complete", "green") - Highlight cells based on a condition.


Icon (prop("Priority"), ["High", "Medium", "Low"], ["⛔️", "⚠️", "✅"]) - Displays icons based on a property's value.

8. Database Operations

Notion formulas can even help you manage your databases. Instead of just analyzing data, there are formulas that let you create, update, and delete database pages.


createPage("New Page", { "Title": "My New Page" }) - Creates a new page with specified properties.


updatePage(prop("Id"), { "Status": "Complete" }) - Updates the properties of an existing page.


delete a page (prop("Id")) - Deletes a page.

9. Automation

Notion recently launched a new automation feature that allows users to create workflows to automate repetitive tasks within the app. This feature is similar to automation features in other software, allowing you to trigger actions based on specific conditions.

10. Integrations

Notion also offers a number of integrations that can help users automate tasks and streamline processes. For example, you can connect Notion with Zapier to create automated workflows that integrate Notion with other apps.

Create a Form for Free Today with our Notion Forms Builder

NoteForms is an extension for Notion that supercharges the way you collect data by enabling seamless form creation that integrates directly with Notion databases. You can create forms from existing Notion DBs. This means that if you already have data in a Notion database, you can create a form to collect more data into that same database in just a few clicks.

Store Submissions In Notion Databases

With NoteForms, every form submission is automatically stored in your Notion database. This eliminates the need for any manual data entry, streamlining your workflows and boosting productivity.

Unlimited Forms And Submissions

There are no restrictions on how many forms you can create or how many submissions you can collect with NoteForms. This makes it easy to create a form for every use case and collect as much data as you need without worrying about hitting a limit.

Full Customization

NoteForms offers a range of customization features to help you create fully personalized forms that suit your unique needs. These include custom domains, design, logic, webhooks, and embeddable forms. You can even create Notion forms that support Notion-specific properties like relations and people.

Integrations To Streamline Your Workflows

NoteForms seamlessly integrates with Notion and other popular business tools. You can send automatic email notifications, connect your forms to Zapier to unlock thousands of integrations, and even send submissions to Slack.

Support For Notion-Specific Columns

The notion is unique in the way that it handles certain database properties. For example, if you create a form using NoteForms to collect data for a database that has a relation property, the submissions will automatically populate that relation property. This means you can create forms that collect data for related databases, people properties, and more. This No-Code functionality can help you streamline your workflows and eliminate manual data entry like never before.

Writing To Page Body

NoteForms also lets you write to page body, which means you can create Notion forms that not only collect data for database properties but also create organized pages within your Notion workspace. This is great for generating client intake forms, project proposals, and more to help you streamline your business operations.

Database Views As A Sub-Product

Another powerful feature of NoteForms is that it creates organized database views for your submissions. This makes it easy to manage, filter, and sort your form submissions all within Notion. You can even create multiple views for your submissions to help you organize your data in a way that makes sense for your unique use case.
  • Google Sheets To Notion
  • Notion Database Automations
  • Notion Project Management
  • Create A Form In Notion
  • Typeform Notion Integration

We are loved by startups, freelancers, Fortune 500 companies and many more. Step up your Notion game with beautiful forms. Get started now 👇

Ready to step up your Notion Game?

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Written by

Julien Nahum
Julien Nahum

Founder of NoteForms

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