The Complete Guide on How to Use Notion Synced Blocks

Learn how to effectively use Notion Synced Blocks to streamline your workflow and keep your content updated across multiple pages.

The Complete Guide on How to Use Notion Synced Blocks
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Do not index
If you’ve ever tried to organize a group project with disjointed spreadsheets and endless email threads, you know how stressful it can be to keep everyone on the same page. Now consider if you could simply create a project outline in Notion, invite your group members to the page, and organize all the information in a way that makes sense to everyone.
Then, as each person worked on their assigned tasks, you could see the updates in real-time, no matter where they were located. This is the power of Notion for Business and mainly synced blocks, which take collaboration to an entirely new level. This guide will help you understand synced blocks, how they work, and why you should use them.

What are Synced Blocks in Notion?

Notion Synced Blocks
Notion Synced Blocks
Synced blocks in Notion are a powerful feature that allows users to create a single block of content that can be replicated across multiple pages within their Notion workspace. When a synced block is created, any changes made to this block in one location will automatically update in all other instances where the block appears. This functionality is handy for maintaining consistency and ensuring that information remains up-to-date across various workspace sections.

Key Features of Synced Blocks

Real-Time Updates

One of the most significant advantages of synced blocks is their ability to reflect changes in real-time. If you edit the content within a synced block, all other instances will display the updated information immediately. This eliminates the need for manual updates across multiple pages, saving time and reducing the risk of errors.

Versatile Content Types

Synced blocks can contain various types of content, including text, images, databases, lists, and more. This versatility allows users to consolidate related information into one block, which can be easily shared and updated across different pages.

Access Control

Notion provides options for managing permissions related to synced blocks. Users can control who has access to view or edit the original synced block and its instances, ensuring that sensitive information is protected while still being accessible to relevant team members.

Visual Indicators

Synced blocks are visually identifiable by a red border when hovered over, making it easy for users to distinguish between regular and synced blocks. A dropdown menu at the top of the synced block also lists all pages containing that particular block, allowing users to navigate easily between instances.

Importance of Synced Blocks

Maintain Consistency

By using synced blocks for recurring content—such as meeting notes, project updates, or standard operating procedures—teams ensure that everyone can access the most current information without needing to search multiple pages.

Streamline Workflows

For teams working on collaborative projects, synced blocks can centralize important information in one place. This streamlining facilitates communication and reduces confusion about the most recent version of a document or note.

Improve Productivity

With synced blocks, users can focus on creating content rather than repeatedly updating it across different locations. This efficiency improves productivity as team members spend less time managing information and more time on their core tasks.

Step-by-Step Guide on How to Create Synced Blocks in Notion

Notion Synced Blocks
Notion Synced Blocks

1. Select the Content to Sync

Start by navigating to the Notion page or database where you want to create a synced block. Highlight the content or section that you want to sync across other pages. This could be a text, images, tables, or any other block within Notion. Choosing the right content is the first step to ensuring the correct information is mirrored across multiple pages.
Synced blocks are handy for recurring data or content that requires consistency, such as shared guidelines, project updates, or announcements. Let’s say you’re working on multiple projects within a company and have a standard company policy that applies to all projects. You can select the policy text and turn it into a synced block to ensure it remains updated across every project page.

2. Create the Synced Block

Notion Synced Blocks
Notion Synced Blocks
After selecting the content, right-click on it or click on the three-dot menu (•••) next to the block. From the dropdown, select the “Turn into Synced Block” option. Alternatively, you can directly type the /synced block command into Notion to create a new synced block. By creating a synced block, you are essentially linking that content across multiple Notion pages.
This ensures that any edits to the content will automatically update when the synced block is used. When working with complex databases or large projects, use synced blocks for content that needs to stay consistent, such as headings, standard operating procedures, or shared data. This minimizes the need for manual updates and prevents errors or inconsistencies.

3. Sync the Block Across Pages

Once you’ve created the synced block, Notion will allow you to “Copy and Paste” the block into other pages. Simply copy the synced block and navigate to the pages where you want the content mirrored. Paste it there, and the block will instantly be synced between the original location and the new page. This step allows you to mirror the same content across multiple pages, ensuring that any changes made to one instance of the synced block will be reflected everywhere.
It’s beneficial for project managers or teams that must share standardized data, guidelines, or project updates across different workspace parts. For a project manager overseeing multiple team pages, syncing a standard resource block, such as a “Team Guidelines” section, ensures that all teams receive the same information, and any updates will be immediately reflected across all pages.

4. Edit Synced Blocks

To make changes to a synced block, simply edit the content in any location where it appears. All instances of that block, across every page it is synced to, will automatically update to reflect the new changes. Editing synced blocks from any location saves significant time and effort, especially when dealing with frequently changing content.
For example, if company policies or deadlines change, you can update the synced block once, and the new information will immediately appear across all relevant pages. Sometimes, team members may accidentally edit a synced block to remain unchanged for consistency. To prevent unauthorized edits, assign ownership of specific synced blocks to individuals or teams so they know who is responsible for maintaining and updating the content.

5. View or Manage Synced Blocks Across Pages

After syncing the block across multiple pages, you can keep track of where the synced blocks are used by maintaining a list or a Notion database. This helps you manage and oversee the synced content within your workspace.
Managing synced blocks allows users to stay organized, ensure that the same block is only used where necessary, and prevent oversaturation of synced blocks across too many pages. Create a “Synced Block Hub” in your Notion workspace to store all your key synced blocks in one place. This allows you to track and easily edit these blocks without searching through different pages to find them.

6. Turn Synced Blocks Back into Regular Blocks

If you no longer want the content to remain synced across pages, you can quickly revert it to a regular block by selecting “Turn into Regular Block” from the dropdown menu. This breaks the connection between the different pages. There might come a time when you no longer need content to be linked across multiple pages, especially if the content starts to diverge or becomes project-specific.
Reverting synced blocks to regular blocks ensures each page can have its independent content without affecting others. Users might mistakenly turn synced blocks into regular blocks, unintentionally breaking the sync chain. Always confirm with your team or set a clear protocol before turning synced blocks into regular blocks, as this will stop the content from automatically updating across pages.

How to Manage Synced Blocks in Notion

Notion Synced Blocks
Notion Synced Blocks
Synced blocks allow you to reflect changes across multiple instances of a block. Here’s how to manage editing and updating:

Real-Time Updates

When you edit a synced block in any location, those changes are automatically reflected in every instance of that block. For example, if you have a synced block containing project updates on multiple pages, updating the status in one location will update it everywhere else. This ensures all team members can access the most current information without checking multiple pages.

Careful Editing

While the ability to update synced blocks is beneficial, it requires careful consideration. Since changes propagate across all instances, an error made in one place (like a typo or incorrect data) will affect every instance of that synced block. Therefore, it’s essential to double-check your edits before saving them.

Accessing the Original Block

To edit a synced block, simply click on it to open the editing options. You can also click on the dropdown menu at the top of the block to access its original location. This feature is useful for quickly navigating where the synced block was created if you need to make extensive changes or review its context.

How to Unsync a Block in Notion

Sometimes, you may need to modify a synced block without affecting other instances. Here’s how to unsync a block:

Step-by-Step Unsyncing

  • Click anywhere inside the synced block to prompt Notion to display a menu of options.
  • Click on the “...” icon (more options) in the menu.
  • Select the “Unsync” option from the dropdown list.

Consequences of Unsyncing

Once you unsync a block, it becomes an independent entity. Changes made to this unsynced block will no longer affect the original or any other instances of that block. This is particularly useful if you want to customize content for a specific page without altering the master version.

Unsyncing All Instances

If you want to remove syncing from all instances of a particular block, go back to the original synced block and select “Unsync all.” This action will break the link between all copies and allow for independent editing.

How to Find Synced Blocks in Notion

Understanding where your synced blocks are located is essential for effective management:

Accessing Synced Block Locations

Notion provides a convenient way to see all pages containing a specific synced block. Clicking on the dropdown menu at the top of any synced block will show a list of all instances where it appears. This feature helps users quickly navigate different pages and easily find related content.

Managing Permissions

Since synced blocks inherit sharing permissions from their original instance, it’s essential to ensure that team members who need access to these blocks have permission for the original page. If someone cannot see a synced block, check their access rights for the page where it was created.

Best Practices for Managing Synced Blocks in Notion

To maximize the efficiency and effectiveness of using synced blocks in Notion, consider these best practices:

Use Synced Blocks for Repetitive Content

Utilize synced blocks for standard operating procedures (SOPs), project updates, or frequently referenced information that needs to be consistent across multiple pages.

Limit Complexity

Avoid overloading a single synced block with too much content or complex formatting. Keeping it simple enhances readability and reduces confusion when making edits.

Regularly Review Synced Blocks

Periodically check your synced blocks for relevance and accuracy, especially if they contain time-sensitive information or data that may change frequently.

Educate Team Members

Ensure all team members understand how synced blocks work and their implications for editing content across different pages. This knowledge will help prevent accidental changes and improve collaboration.

Utilize Templates

Consider creating templates that include commonly used synced blocks. This approach can streamline workflows and ensure consistency in how information is presented across your workspace.

Notion Synced Blocks vs. Linked Databases

Notion Synced Blocks
Notion Synced Blocks

Understanding Linked Databases in Notion

Linked databases are instances of an existing database displayed on a different Notion page. Unlike synced blocks, linked databases retain all the original properties of the source database but allow users to interact with the same data set across multiple locations in Notion.
Creating a linked database mirrors the original database but lets you view or filter the data differently on each page. This is particularly useful when you want to visualize the same dataset in different formats (e.g., board, table, calendar) across various workspace parts.

Exploring Key Differences Between Synced Blocks and Linked Databases

1. Purpose of Use

Synced Blocks

These are ideal for mirroring static content that requires consistency across multiple pages. They are best suited for content that doesn’t require filtering or interaction, such as guidelines, policies, FAQs, or announcements.

Linked Databases

These are used for dynamic content where users interact with or filter data across multiple pages. They are ideal for project tracking, task management, and teams needing different views of the same dataset (e.g., filtering tasks by priority or due date).

2. Flexibility and Customization

Synced Blocks

These provide limited flexibility, as any edits made to the synced block affect every location where it’s synced. They maintain content uniformity but offer no customization in filtering or sorting content.

Linked Databases

These offer high flexibility since users can apply different filters, sorts, or views to the same data without altering the original database. For example, one page can display tasks in a Kanban board view while another shows the same functions in a calendar view, allowing different teams to work with the same data differently.

3. Editing and Updates

Synced Blocks

Any change made to a synced block is reflected immediately in every instance of that block across Notion. This is best for content that needs to be uniform and consistent across pages (e.g., editing a company-wide announcement and updating the synced block ensures that all teams see the same message).

Linked Databases

Changes to a linked database are reflected in the original database and any other linked database views, but each instance can be filtered or customized independently. This is useful when working on large datasets where individual teams must customize their views without affecting the entire dataset.

4. Visual Presentation

Synced Blocks

These display content exactly as it appears in the original block, with no ability to filter or sort the content. Use synced blocks when you need a consistent visual presentation across different pages.

Linked Databases

These can be displayed in multiple formats, such as table, list, calendar, gallery, or Kanban board views. Users can switch between these views or filter data to suit the needs of a specific page, making them best for content that requires interactive visualization.

Practical Usage of Synced Blocks vs. Linked Databases

Synced Block

When you need to share standardized content across multiple pages.

For Example

  • Company policies, guidelines, FAQs.
  • Team-wide updates or announcements.
  • Project briefs that don’t require interaction but must stay consistent.

Linked Databases

When dealing with dynamic content that multiple teams need to access and interact with.

For Example

  • Task management databases for teams working on different aspects of a project.
  • They track client data or sales performance where different views (e.g., filtered by region or date) are required.
  • Displaying project status across different teams or departments while maintaining a central data source.

Common Pitfalls of Synced Blocks vs. Linked Databases

1. Using Synced Blocks for Dynamic Data

  • Pitfall: Synced blocks are often mistakenly used for dynamic or interactive data, where users need to manipulate the information differently across pages.
  • Why It’s a Problem: Synced blocks are static and don’t allow filtering or customizing the view of the data. For example, if a team uses synced blocks to display tasks, they won’t be able to filter by deadlines or priorities, reducing efficiency.
  • Solution: Use linked databases for data that requires interaction, filtering, or sorting. Linked databases allow teams to manipulate views and data without compromising the integrity of the source.

2. Overuse of Linked Databases for Simple Content

  • Pitfall: Sometimes linked databases are used for straightforward, repetitive content that doesn’t need sorting or filtering, creating unnecessary complexity.
  • Why It’s a Problem: Linked databases add unnecessary bulk and complexity to your workspace when you only need to display static information. This can slow down your workflow and make pages more difficult to manage.
  • Solution: For simple, repeated content that needs to be consistent across pages, use synced blocks instead of linked databases. This keeps things simple and manageable without complicating your database structure.

Create a Form for Free Today with our Notion Forms Builder

NoteForms's Notion forms builder supercharges Notion by enabling seamless form creation that integrates directly with Notion databases. Our key features include creating forms from existing Notion DBs, storing submissions in Notion DBs, unlimited forms and submissions, full customization (custom domains, design, logic, webhooks), embeddable forms, integrations (email, Zapier, Slack), support for Notion-specific columns (relation, people), writing to page body, and database views as a sub-product.
We cater to Notion power users, SaaS startups, and educators, solving challenges like inefficient data entry, fragmented workflows, and administrative overload. NoteForms streamlines data collection, centralizes management, and simplifies workflows, boosting productivity while cutting costs for Notion enthusiasts. Create a form for free today with our Notion forms builder!

Practical Use Cases for Synced Blocks

Notion Synced Blocks
Notion Synced Blocks

Boost Team Collaboration with Synced Blocks in Notion

In a collaborative environment, team members often need access to the same information to stay aligned on projects. Synced blocks allow teams to create a single source of truth that can be referenced by multiple members, ensuring everyone has the most current information without duplication.

How to Use

Create a Synced Block

Type /sync to create a new synced block. You can add project goals, timelines, or updates within this block.

Share Across Pages

Using the " Paste and sync " option, copy and paste the synced block into the pages of different team members. This keeps everyone updated with the latest project information.

Edit for Consistency

When you need to update project details, simply edit the original synced block, and the changes will automatically be reflected in all instances.

Keep Meeting Notes Consistent with Synced Blocks

Keeping consistent meeting notes is crucial for effective communication within teams. Synced blocks enable teams to maintain a single source for meeting agendas and notes that can be accessed from various project pages, ensuring all members are informed of discussions and action items.

How to Use

Create a Synced Block for Meeting Notes

Type /sync and add the meeting agenda or notes.

Distribute Across Project Pages

Copy this synced block into various project pages where team members can access it.

Real-Time Updates

As meetings progress, update the synced block in one location, ensuring all team members can access the latest notes.

Streamline Content Management with Synced Blocks

Managing recurring content such as standard operating procedures (SOPs) or frequently asked questions (FAQs) can be cumbersome if each instance needs to be updated separately. Synced blocks streamline this process by allowing users to maintain a single version of content that automatically updates everywhere it is referenced.

How to Use

Create a Synced Block for SOPs

Type /sync, then add your standard operating procedures or frequently asked questions into this block.

Embed in Relevant Pages

Copy the synced block into pages related to HR, operations, or training materials.

Update Once, Reflect Everywhere

Whenever there’s a change to the SOPs or FAQs, edit the original synced block, and all linked instances will automatically update.

Build a Knowledge Base That Everyone Can Access

A centralized knowledge base is essential for organizations to ensure that employees have access to important policies and procedures. By using synced blocks, companies can create a single source of truth that can be easily referenced across departments.

How to Use

Build a Knowledge Base with Synced Blocks

Create a synced block that contains important company policies or workflows.
Embed this synced block in various departmental pages so everyone can access the same information.

Ensure Consistency

Regularly review and update the synced knowledge base block to inform all departments of any changes.

Maintain Design Consistency with Synced Blocks

Maintaining consistent branding across documents is crucial for professional presentation. Synced blocks allow designers to embed branding elements (like logos and headers) in multiple documents while ensuring updates are reflected throughout.

How to Use

Create a Synced Block for Branding Elements

Include logos, headers, and footers in a synced block.

Use Across Different Pages

Copy this synced block into various design documents or project pages where branding is required.

Update Branding Easily

If you need to change a logo or header, edit the original synced block once, and it will update everywhere it appears.

Improve Project Management Operations with Synced Blocks

In project management, tracking tasks is essential for meeting deadlines. Synced blocks can help maintain task lists that must be referenced across multiple projects without duplicating effort.

How to Use

Create a Master Task List in a Synced Block

Type /sync and list all tasks relevant to ongoing projects.

Embed in Project Pages

Copy this task list into individual project pages as a synced block.

Keep Tasks Updated Across Projects

Modify the original list when tasks are completed or updated, ensuring all project pages reflect the latest status.

Increase Personal Productivity with Synced Blocks

For individuals managing their tasks and reflections, synced blocks can efficiently maintain daily logs or journals accessible from multiple locations within Notion.

How to Use

Set Up a Daily Journal in a Synced Block

Create a new synced block for daily reflections or task lists.

Access from Multiple Locations

Embed this journal in different personal productivity pages to add entries from anywhere.

Maintain Consistency in Entries

Update your journal from any page; changes will be reflected across all instances of your daily journal.

Create a Form for Free Today with our Notion Forms Builder

NoteForms's Notion forms builder supercharges Notion by enabling seamless form creation that integrates directly with Notion databases. Our key features include creating forms from existing Notion DBs, storing submissions in Notion DBs, unlimited forms and submissions, full customization (custom domains, design, logic, webhooks), embeddable forms, integrations (email, Zapier, Slack), support for Notion-specific columns (relation, people), writing to page body, and database views as a sub-product.
We cater to Notion power users, SaaS startups, and educators, solving challenges like inefficient data entry, fragmented workflows, and administrative overload. NoteForms streamlines data collection, centralizes management, and simplifies workflows, boosting productivity while cutting costs for Notion enthusiasts. Create a form for free today with our Notion forms builder!

How NoteForms Enhances Synced Blocks in Notion

Notion Synced Blocks
Notion Synced Blocks

Streamlined Data Collection: No More Manual Data Entry

NoteForms allows you to create forms that correspond to the fields in your Notion databases. When respondents submit these forms, their answers are automatically formatted and stored correctly in the database, eliminating the need for manual data entry.

Customizable Forms: Make It Your Own

NoteForms provides extensive customization options, enabling users to create visually appealing forms that align with their brand identity. You can customize colors, fonts, and themes and embed external videos or code blocks.

Advanced Form Logic: Smart Forms for Smart People

With NoteForms, you can make your forms smarter by incorporating conditional logic, validation rules, notifications, and more. For example, you can hide or show specific questions based on previous responses, ensuring respondents only see relevant questions.

Efficient Data Management: Visualize Your Data

Once data is collected via NoteForms and stored in Notion databases, it can be easily visualized using Notion's graphing tools. Based on the collected data, you can create various graphs (bar charts, line graphs, pie charts), enabling you to track trends over time and make informed decisions.

Practical Applications: Real-Life Uses for NoteForms

NoteForms enhances synced blocks in Notion across various use cases, such as:
  • Gathering customer feedback and survey results
  • Collecting project updates and status reports from team members
  • Managing employee feedback, timesheets, and leave applications
  • Streamlining event registrations and collecting participant feedback

Create a Form for Free Today with our Notion Forms Builder

Notion Synced Blocks
Notion Synced Blocks
NoteForms lets you create forms from existing Notion databases. This means you can make a form that collects data for any of your existing Notion databases to streamline your data collection processes. When users submit your forms, their responses are automatically stored in your Notion database. This eliminates inefficient data entry processes and helps you avoid fragmented workflows by centralizing your data collection and management processes all within Notion.

Unlimited Forms and Submissions

With NoteForms, you can create as many forms as you want for free. There’s no limit to the number of submissions you can collect. This means you can make a form for any purpose, no matter how big or small, without worrying about hitting a cap and losing important data.

Fully Customize Your Notion Forms

NoteForms also provides full customization options to create the exact forms you need. You can customize your forms’ domains, design, and even logic. Use our intuitive interface to create professional-looking forms that match your personal or company branding. You can also use conditional logic to create dynamic forms that change based on user selections, making your forms more straightforward and efficient for you and your users.

Easily Embed Your Notion Forms

Another critical feature of NoteForms is the ability to embed your Notion forms anywhere on the web. This means you can create a form to collect data for your business’s existing Notion database, embed it on your website, and collect submissions without directing users to Notion. This helps you maintain a professional image and improve user experience by creating seamless data collection processes.

Integrate Your Notion Forms With Other Tools

NoteForms also integrates with other popular business tools to help you streamline your workflows even further. You can set up email notifications to alert you when users submit your forms, automate tasks by connecting with Zapier, and send submissions to Slack channels to keep your team in the loop.
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  • Notion Database Automations
  • Notion Project Management
  • Create A Form In Notion
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Written by

Julien Nahum
Julien Nahum

Founder of NoteForms

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