11 Popular Notion Reminders

Discover 11 popular Notion reminders to streamline tasks and boost productivity. Maximize your efficiency with these essential tips!

11 Popular Notion Reminders
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Consider your team racing to meet an upcoming deadline. You are trying to keep track of many moving parts, but things start falling through the cracks. Before long, you’re missing tasks, and your team is panicking. Notion reminders could have helped you keep track of the tasks and alert you before things got out of control. Instead of a smooth sailing operation, you end up with a stressful situation.
This is just one example of how Notion for Business reminders can help you organize your work and stay on top of your operations in Notion for Business. This guide will explore the 11 popular Notion reminders to illustrate how this simple feature can help you and your team improve your business operations.
Notion forms can help you achieve these goals and make your work life smoother. Using our Notion forms template, you can build a simple and effective reminder system that works for you.

What Are Notion Reminders?

Notion Reminders
Notion Reminders
Notion reminders are productivity tools built into the Notion app that help users stay on top of tasks, events, or deadlines by sending alerts when they’re due. The reminders feature is helpful for anyone who uses Notion for personal organization, note-taking, or project management. They help keep users focused and accountable.

Key Features of Notion Reminders

Contextual Integration: Notion Reminders Live Inside Your Workspace

Notion reminders are not isolated but deeply integrated into Notion's pages, databases, and tasks. This means when you set a reminder for a specific task, it is directly tied to that task’s context, allowing for a seamless experience. For instance, if you have a project page with various tasks, setting a reminder for a specific task ensures you receive notifications relevant to your project’s progress.

Customization Options: Tailor Reminders to Your Schedule

Users can customize reminders to suit their unique schedules and preferences. Notion lets you specify when you want to be reminded—minutes, hours, or days before a deadline. This flexibility means you can set reminders based on your workflow and the nature of the task, such as receiving a reminder the day before an important meeting or just an hour before a deadline.

Dynamic Task Management: Make Long-Term Projects Less Daunting

Reminders can be set to recur, making them ideal for regular tasks or events. For example, if you have a weekly meeting or a monthly report due, you can set a reminder to alert you each time it’s due. This dynamic aspect of reminders helps in managing long-term projects without the constant need for manual updates.

Enhanced Collaboration: Keep the Whole Team Accountable

When working in teams, Notion reminders can be a powerful collaborative tool. Team members can set reminders for shared tasks, ensuring everyone knows their responsibilities and deadlines. This visibility promotes accountability and encourages better communication among team members.

Integration with Other Tools: Receive Reminders Across Platforms

While Notion reminders are robust, they can also be part of a larger ecosystem of productivity tools. Integrating Notion with other applications (e.g., Google Calendar) allows you to streamline your workflow further, receive reminders across different platforms, and never miss a beat.

Benefits of Using Notion Reminders

Increased Productivity: Stay Focused on Your Work

By having reminders set, you can focus on your current tasks without worrying about forgetting
important deadlines.

Better Time Management: Prioritize Tasks with Ease

Reminders help prioritize tasks, allowing users to allocate their time effectively and ensure that high-priority items are completed on time.

Reduced Stress: Alleviate the Mental Burden of Tracking Deadlines

Knowing that you have reminders set can alleviate the mental burden of keeping track of numerous tasks and deadlines, allowing you to concentrate on execution rather than memory.
Notion reminders are a versatile and powerful feature that enhances productivity, time management, and collaboration. They integrate seamlessly into users' workflows, providing contextual alerts that keep tasks and projects on track.

How to Set Up Notion Reminders

Notion Reminders
Notion Reminders

Open Notion and Choose Your Page for Reminder Setup

Launch Notion and go to the page where you want to create a reminder. This could be a simple page or a database tracking tasks and projects.

Create a Task or Event for Your Reminder

Reminders in Notion are tied to dates within tasks, events, or database entries. You can create a reminder within a task, a simple text block, or a calendar. For example, if you want to be reminded to submit a project report, type in “Submit project report” to create a task first.

Add a Date Property to Your Task

If you’re using a task database, ensure you have a date property for your tasks. You can do this by clicking on the column header and selecting “Date” as the property type. For text blocks, simply type the date manually.

Set the Reminder for Your Task

Once you have your date set, click on the date field. A calendar pop-up will appear. You can select the exact date and time for your reminder. After choosing the date, look for the option labeled “Remind” or “Add a reminder” (a bell icon may represent this).

Choose Your Reminder Time

In the reminder options, you can specify when to receive the alert. This could be "At time of event," "5 minutes before," "1 day before," or any other custom setting that fits your needs. Select your preferred reminder time.

Save Your Changes

After setting the reminder, make sure to save your changes. If you’re in a database, this typically happens automatically once you exit the date field.

Test Your Reminder

To ensure your reminder works, set a test reminder for a few minutes in the future. This way, you can verify that you receive the notification correctly.

Additional Tips for Effective Reminder Setup

Use Clear Task Descriptions

When creating tasks that require reminders, be specific in your descriptions. This clarity helps you quickly understand what to do when the reminder pops up.

Organize by Priority

If you have multiple tasks, consider tagging or categorizing them by priority. This can help you decide which reminders are critical and should be addressed first.

Regular Review

Make it a habit to review your upcoming reminders regularly. This practice ensures you’re always on top of your tasks and can adjust as needed.

Integrate with NoteForms

Consider using NoteForms to streamline the data entry process for tasks requiring reminders. This tool allows you to create forms directly integrated with your Notion databases, making it easier to set up tasks and reminders efficiently. For example, you could set up a form to collect tasks from team members, automatically populating them in your Notion workspace with reminders.

Create a Form for Free Today with our Notion Forms Builder

Notion Reminders
Notion Reminders
NoteForms's Notion forms builder supercharges Notion by enabling seamless form creation that integrates directly with Notion databases. Our key features include creating forms from existing Notion DBs, storing submissions in Notion DBs, unlimited forms and submissions, full customization (custom domains, design, logic, webhooks), embeddable forms, integrations (email, Zapier, Slack), support for Notion-specific columns (relation, people), writing to page body, and database views as a sub-product.
We cater to Notion power users, SaaS startups, and educators, solving challenges like inefficient data entry, fragmented workflows, and administrative overload. NoteForms streamlines data collection, centralizes management, and simplifies workflows, boosting productivity while cutting costs for Notion enthusiasts. Create a form for free today with our Notion forms builder!
Notion Reminders
Notion Reminders

1. Task and Project Deadlines

One of the most common reminders used in Notion is for task and project deadlines. Whether you're managing work-related projects or personal goals, setting up reminders for critical milestones ensures you never miss an important deadline.


"Submit design draft by Thursday at 5 PM."

2. Follow-Up Reminders

Follow-up reminders help stay on top of communication, whether it's with clients, team members, or personal contacts. Use this reminder to ensure you check in after sending an email or meeting.


"Follow up with John on feedback by Friday."

3. Recurring Meeting Reminders

For recurring meetings, you can set up a template or manually duplicate the reminder weekly or monthly. Recurring meeting reminders help ensure you're always prepared in advance, even if Notion doesn’t have an automated recurring feature.


"Team stand-up meeting every Monday at 10 AM."

4. Daily To-Do List Reminders

Notion users often create daily to-do lists with reminders for important tasks. Setting a daily reminder for your top three priorities or urgent tasks can help you stay focused and organized throughout the day.


"Morning routine: Review tasks, reply to emails, update team."

5. Event or Appointment Reminders

Notion reminders help you stay on time and fully prepared for scheduled events, meetings, or personal appointments. You can set these reminders to notify you a few hours or days ahead, giving you enough time to prepare.


"Doctor's appointment at 2 PM on Wednesday."

6. Bill Payment Reminders

Managing bills can be hectic, but setting up payment reminders in Notion can help you avoid late fees. You can create a finance management page and link each bill to a reminder about the due date.


"Electric bill due on the 15th."

7. Habit Tracking Reminders

Set daily or weekly reminders to stay consistent when building new habits or tracking fitness goals. Notion allows you to create custom pages for habits and set reminders for when you should complete them.


"Go for a 30-minute run at 6 PM."

8. Reading or Study Session Reminders

Whether you're a student or a professional, reminders for reading sessions, study blocks, or research projects can help keep you on track. Notion reminders can be tied to specific notes or chapters in your study material.


"Read Chapter 5 of 'Atomic Habits' by 8 PM tonight."

9. Content Creation Reminders

Content creators can benefit from setting reminders for blog posts, videos, or social media content deadlines. This keeps content production organized and ensures timely posting.


"Publish a new blog post on Monday at 9 AM."

10. Shopping List or Errand Reminders

For personal organization, use reminders to keep track of shopping lists or errands. Notion reminders help you stay on top of things and ensure nothing gets forgotten during a busy day.


"Pick up groceries on the way home at 6 PM."

11. Reflection or Journaling Reminders

If you use Notion for daily reflection or journaling, setting up reminders for end-of-day check-ins can encourage consistency in tracking your thoughts, progress, or gratitude.


"Write in a journal before bed at 10 PM." These reminders, combined with NoteForms for seamless data collection and organization, can help you stay on top of your tasks, goals, and workflows.

Best Practices for Using Notion Reminders

Notion Reminders
Notion Reminders

Get Specific: The Power of Detailed Reminders in Notion

Notion reminders can help you organize your time and tasks better. But vague reminders won’t cut it. Instead of setting a reminder like “Follow up,” get specific. Instead, try “Follow up with Sarah on project status at 3 PM on Thursday.” This clarity helps you understand the context of the reminder when it appears.

Recurring Reminders: Notion's Version of Groundhog Day

Some tasks need to be repeated regularly. Think of weekly meetings or monthly reports. With Notion reminders, you can set up recurring reminders to help you keep up with these tasks.  While Notion has no built-in recurring reminder feature, you can manually duplicate tasks and set reminders for each occurrence. You can also use a Notion template designed for recurring tasks.

Get Organized with Tags and Categories

Use tags to categorize your tasks and reminders. For instance, you can create tags for “Work,” “Personal,” or “Urgent.” This organization helps you quickly filter and prioritize your reminders, ensuring you focus on what matters most.

Incorporate Team Collaboration to Notion Reminders

If you’re using Notion in a team setting, encourage team members to set reminders for shared tasks. This collaborative approach ensures everyone is aligned on deadlines and responsibilities, reducing the chances of tasks falling through the cracks.

Use Notion Widgets to Visualize Your Reminders

Consider adding widgets to your Notion pages that display your upcoming tasks and reminders. Widgets can visually represent what’s coming up, helping you stay organized at a glance.

Regularly Review and Adjust Your Reminders

Set aside time weekly or bi-weekly to review your upcoming reminders. Adjust deadlines or priorities as necessary. This proactive approach helps you stay on top of your tasks and adapt to changing circumstances.

Integrate with NoteForms for Enhanced Data Collection

Use NoteForms to collect and manage tasks from various sources to streamline your workflow further. With NoteForms, you can create forms that feed directly into your Notion database, ensuring all relevant tasks come with built-in reminders. This integration simplifies the process and helps maintain organization, especially in collaborative environments.

Leverage Notion’s Notification Settings

Familiarize yourself with Notion’s notification settings to ensure you receive reminders in a way
that suits your workflow. Whether you prefer email or desktop notifications, customizing these settings can enhance your reminder effectiveness.

Pitfalls to Avoid When Using Notion Reminders

Notion Reminders
Notion Reminders

Don’t Go Overboard: Avoid Setting Too Many Reminders

Sure, Notion reminders are great for boosting productivity. But like anything in life, having too much of a good thing is possible. In the case of reminders, setting too many can lead to chaos. Instead of helping you stay organized, they can create additional stress. Start by focusing on your most important tasks. Then, set reminders only for the functions that will benefit from additional organization.

Don’t Ignore Your Reminders

When a reminder goes off, it’s essential to take action. Ignoring or postponing tasks can lead to missed deadlines and increased stress. Instead, develop a habit of addressing reminders promptly.

Don’t Forget to Set Recurring Reminders

Not every task is a one-and-done deal. Some tasks, like weekly meetings or monthly reports, require ongoing attention. Failing to set up recurring reminders for regular tasks can result in forgetfulness. Address this pitfall by ensuring these functions are set as recurring reminders to stay on track.

Don’t Neglect Prioritization

Without prioritization, you may tackle less essential tasks while neglecting critical ones. Instead, a prioritization system should focus on what needs immediate attention first.

Don’t Forget to Review Your Reminders

Failing to review your reminders regularly can lead to outdated or irrelevant tasks cluttering your workspace. Instead, schedule time each week to review and clean up your reminders to keep your productivity system organized.

Make Reminders a Habit

Only using reminders sporadically can limit their effectiveness. Instead, make it a habit to utilize Notion reminders consistently for all relevant tasks to fully benefit from the tool.

Don’t Rely Solely on Reminders

While reminders are helpful, they should complement a broader productivity strategy. Relying solely on reminders without other organizational tools can lead to disorganization.

Don’t Forget the Context

Reminders without context can be confusing. Instead, ensure your reminders have clear descriptions and relevant details so you understand the task at a glance.

Don’t Use Reminders in Isolation

Avoid using Notion reminders in isolation. Instead, integrate them with other tools and workflows to enhance efficiency. For example, link your reminders with NoteForms to streamline task-related data collection.

Don’t Neglect Feedback and Adjustments

If specific reminders aren’t working, don’t hesitate to adjust them. Instead, gather feedback on your reminder system and make necessary changes to improve your workflow.

Integrating Notion Reminders with Other Tools

Notion Reminders
Notion Reminders
Notion reminders are super helpful, but their functionality is limited to the Notion ecosystem. To get the most out of them, consider integrating Notion with your preferred calendar app (like Google Calendar or Outlook) to ensure your reminders sync with your schedule. This lets you see all your commitments in one place, preventing overlaps and conflicts.

Automate Your Reminders with No Code Tools

Tools like Zapier or Integromat can connect Notion to other applications, automating the creation of reminders based on specific triggers. For example, you can create a workflow that automatically creates a Notion reminder whenever a new task is added to a project management tool like Trello or Asana. This way, you can ensure that your Notion tasks are always up to date without manually creating reminders.

Turn Emails into Notion Reminders

Consider using Notion's email integration capabilities to convert emails into reminders. If you receive tasks via email, you can forward them to Notion to create a reminder without manual entry, streamlining your workflow.

Use NoteForms to Customize Your Reminders

Use NoteForms to enhance your data collection related to reminders. Create forms that feed directly into your Notion database, allowing you to gather information or feedback about tasks. For example, if a reminder is related to gathering team input, a NoteForm can efficiently collect responses.

Sync Notion with Your Task Management Software

If you use dedicated task management software (like Todoist or Microsoft To Do), integrate these with Notion to ensure your reminders align with your task lists. This can help create a unified system for managing daily tasks and long-term projects.

Set Up Notifications for Your Reminders

Notion allows you to set reminders for specific times and dates, but integrating with notification tools can ensure you receive alerts in the way that suits you best, whether via email, SMS, or app notifications.

Utilize Widgets to Enhance Your Workflow

If you’re using Notion on a desktop or mobile, consider integrating widgets that display your reminders prominently. Widgets can help keep your tasks front and center, making it easier to stay on track throughout the day.

Create a Form for Free Today with our Notion Forms Builder

Notion Reminders
Notion Reminders
Data entry is one of the most tedious and time-consuming business tasks. With NoteForms, you can collect data without ever needing to go into Notion to enter it. Instead, you create a form from an existing Notion database, share it with your audience, and sit back as their submissions populate your database. This means you can eliminate inefficient workflows that require manual entries and reduce the time spent on administrative tasks.

Collect the Right Data with Custom Fields

Not all data is created equal. Often, businesses need specific information that falls outside of standard fields. With NoteForms, you can fully customize your form fields to collect the necessary data. Create custom fields, conditional logic, and templates to help you get organized and improve your business processes.
  • Google Sheets To Notion
  • Notion Database Automations
  • Notion Project Management
  • Create A Form In Notion
  • Typeform Notion Integration

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Written by

Julien Nahum
Julien Nahum

Founder of NoteForms

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