Everything You Need to Know about Using Notion as a CRM (Tips + 10 Powerful Ways)

Learn everything about using Notion as a CRM, with tips and 10 powerful ways to optimize your workflow effectively.

Everything You Need to Know about Using Notion as a CRM (Tips + 10 Powerful Ways)
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Do not index
Managing customer relationships can be overwhelming. Keeping track of multiple conversations, preferences, and needs can get tricky as your business grows and attracts more clients. No two customers are alike. Even if two clients buy the same product, they may have different expectations and goals. Using Notion as a CRM allows you to create a customized database for your unique business goals to manage customer relationships in a way that makes sense. This guide will explore everything you need to know about using Notion for Business as a CRM, including tips and 10 powerful ways to get started.
One way to simplify using Notion as a CRM is to use Notion Forms. This powerful tool helps you collect external data from clients and customers without overwhelming them or yourself. Using Notion Forms, you can create a smooth process to onboard new clients, track project deliverables, gather product feedback, and much more.

What is Notion, and Is Notion a CRM App?

Using Notion as a CRM
Using Notion as a CRM
Notion is an all-in-one workspace tool designed to help individuals and teams organize information, manage tasks, and create databases. It is flexible and can be customized to fit various use cases, from project management to note-taking and even as a content management system (CMS).

How Does Notion Work?

Notion operates on a modular system, allowing users to create blocks of content that can be linked, customized, and organized in various ways. These blocks can represent tasks, databases, notes, or entire project management systems. It supports views like tables, calendars, galleries, and Kanban, allowing users to display their data in different formats based on their needs.

Why Is Notion So Powerful?

Notion's ability to connect different data types makes it powerful, enabling users to build customized workflows tailored to their personal or organizational needs. It’s used by students, professionals, freelancers, and teams for everything from task tracking to managing knowledge bases.

Is Notion a CRM App?

Technically, Notion is not a dedicated CRM (Customer Relationship Management) application like Salesforce or HubSpot. However, due to its extreme flexibility and customizable nature, Notion can be configured as a CRM system for businesses or individuals looking for a lightweight solution. Users can build custom databases, automate workflows, and organize contacts, sales pipelines, and client interactions, all within Notion.

Why Use Notion as a CRM?

Notion Is Highly Customizable

One of the main advantages of using Notion as a CRM is its high customization level. Traditional CRM systems often come with predefined structures and features that may not fit every user’s needs. On the other hand, the notion allows users to design their CRM from scratch, ensuring it aligns perfectly with their business processes.

Notion Is Cost-Effective

Since Notion isn’t a traditional CRM, its cost structure is generally more affordable. Many CRM systems charge per user or feature, whereas Notion has more flexible pricing plans that cater to smaller teams, startups, and freelancers who need CRM functionality without the hefty price tag.

Notion Is an All-in-One Workspace

Notion’s biggest strength is combining CRM functionalities with project management, note-taking, and task tracking. Users can manage their clients and contacts alongside their daily tasks, projects, and documents without switching between multiple apps.

How to Set Up Notion as a CRM

Using Notion as a CRM
Using Notion as a CRM

Step 1: Create a CRM Database

Start by creating a New Page in Notion. An easy way to do this is by clicking the "+ New Page" option on the sidebar. You could also use the shortcut to create a new page within your workspace.
Next, add a Database to the Page. Select "Table—Inline" on the new page to create an inline table for your CRM database.
Now, name your Database. Give it a clear and descriptive name, such as "CRM Database," "Client Management," or "Sales Pipeline."

Why It Matters

Centralized Information, a dedicated CRM database, is the central hub for customer data, making managing and accessing information more accessible.


Freelancer Example. If you're a freelance graphic designer, you might name my database "Client CRM" to keep track of all my clients and project leads.

Step 2: Customize Database Properties

What to Do

Add Essential Properties

Click the "+" sign next to the existing columns to add new properties (fields) to your database.

Key Properties to Include

  • Contact Name (Title Property): In input client or company names, use the default title property.
  • Email Address: Add an "Email" property to store contact emails.
  • Phone Number: Add a "Phone" property for contact numbers.
  • Company Name: Add a "Text" property if you deal with businesses.
  • Status: Add a "Select" property to track each contact's status, such as "Lead," "Contacted," "Negotiating," "Closed Won," and "Closed Lost."
  • Next Follow-Up Date: Add a "Date" property to schedule follow-ups.
  • Priority Level: To prioritize leads, add a "Select" property with options like "High," "Medium," and "Low."
  • Deal Value: Add a "Number" property to estimate potential revenue.

Why It Matters

Structured Data. Customizing properties ensures you capture all relevant information, making your CRM more effective and tailored to your needs.


Real Estate Agent. A property for "Property Interest" could be added to note which listings a client is interested in.

Step 3: Customize Views

What to Do

Create Multiple Views

  • Table View: The default view for data entry and overview.
  • Kanban Board View: Click "Add a View" and select "Board" view—group cards by the "Status" property to visualize your sales pipeline.
  • Calendar View: To track upcoming tasks, add a "Calendar" view based on the "Next Follow-Up Date" property.
  • List or Gallery View: Use these for a more visual representation, especially if you have images associated with contacts.

Why It Matters

Flexible Visualization and different views help you analyze data from various perspectives, enhancing your ability to manage contacts and deals effectively.


Marketing Agency. Use the Kanban view to move clients through stages like "Prospect," "Proposal Sent," "Negotiation," "Won," and "Lost."

Step 4: Add Detailed Contact Pages

What to Do

Expand Entries into Pages

Click on a contact's name to open a new page within the database entry.

Include Detailed Information

  • Meeting Notes: Add notes from client meetings or calls.
  • Attachments: Upload contracts, proposals, or other relevant documents.
  • Tasks and To-Dos: List action items specific to the contact.
  • Custom Sections: Add any other relevant information, such as social media profiles or personal preferences.

Why It Matter

Comprehensive Profiles. Having all the details in one place improves client management and personalizes interactions.


Consultant. Include SWOT analyses or business plans discussed with the client.

What to Do

Set Up Additional Databases

  • Tasks Database: Create a separate database for tasks or to-dos.
  • Projects Database: If you manage projects, create a project database.
  • Link Databases:
  • Relation Property: Add a "Relation" property to link contacts with tasks or projects in your CRM database.
  • Rollup Property: Use "Rollup" properties to display summarized data from the related database, such as the number of open tasks for a contact.

Why It Matters

Integrated Data Management. Linking databases keeps related information connected, providing a holistic view of client interactions and project status.


Software Developer. Link clients to specific software development projects and track feature requests or bugs.

Step 6: Automation and Integrations

What to Do

Use Integrations

  • NoteForms Integration: Utilize NoteForms to create forms that feed directly into your Notion CRM. For instance, when a potential client fills out a form on your website, their information is automatically added to your CRM.
  • Zapier or Integromat: Set up automations to connect Notion with other tools like email marketing platforms, calendars, or CRM-specific apps.
  • Automate Data Entry:
  • Web Forms: Capture leads from your website directly into Notion.
  • Email Parsing: Automatically add contacts from emails to your CRM.

Why It Matters

Efficiency and Accuracy: automation reduces manual data entry, saving time and minimizing errors.


E-commerce Business. Automatically import customer order information into Notion for follow-up marketing.

Step 7: Customize and Personalize

What to Do

  • Adjust Properties and Views: Add or remove properties based on your needs.
  • Create Templates: Develop templates for standard entries, such as a new lead template with predefined tasks or checklists.
  • Visual Enhancements: Use icons, emojis, and cover images to engage your CRM visually.

Why It Matters

Tailored Experience and personalization ensure that the CRM works as you do, increasing productivity and user satisfaction.


Event Planner. Create templates for events (weddings, conferences) with specific tasks and timelines.

Step 8: Collaborate with Your Team

What to Do

  • Share the CRM Database: Invite team members to your Notion workspace and share the CRM database with appropriate permissions.
  • Set Permissions: You can control access by assigning "Full Access," "Can Edit," or "View Only" permissions.
  • Assign Tasks and Contacts: Use the "People" property to assign responsibilities to team members.
  • Communicate within Notion: Use comments and mentions (@username) to discuss specific contacts or tasks.

Why It Matters

Team Alignment and collaboration ensure everyone is informed and can contribute to client management and sales processes.


Sales Team. Assign leads to specific sales reps and track their progress.

Step 9: Set Up Reminders and Notifications

What to Do

  • Add Reminders to Dates: In the "Next Follow-Up Date" property, set reminders so Notion notifies you ahead of important dates.
  • Enable Desktop and Mobile Notifications: Ensure your devices are set to receive Notion notifications.
  • Use the Calendar View: Regularly check the calendar view for upcoming tasks and deadlines.

Why It Matters

Timely Actions and reminders help you stay on top of follow-ups, increasing the chances of closing deals.


Account Manager. Receive a reminder one week before a client's contract renewal date to prepare renewal proposals.

Step 10: Monitor and Analyze CRM Data

What to Do

Create Dashboards

  • Key Metrics: Use linked databases and rollups to display metrics like total leads, conversion rates, and sales targets.
  • Visual Elements: Incorporate charts, progress bars, and indicators using Notion formulas and widgets.
  • Set Up Filters and Sorting: Use filters to focus on specific data sets, such as high-priority leads or deals closing this quarter.

Why It Matters

Data-driven decisions and monitoring analytics help you understand performance and identify areas for improvement.


Startup Founder. Track monthly recurring revenue (MRR) and customer acquisition costs (CAC) directly within Notion.

Transform Data Entry with Notion Forms

NoteForms's Notion forms builder supercharges Notion by enabling seamless form creation that integrates directly with Notion databases. Our key features include creating forms from existing Notion DBs, storing submissions in Notion DBs, unlimited forms and submissions, full customization (custom domains, design, logic, webhooks), embeddable forms, integrations (email, Zapier, Slack), support for Notion-specific columns (relation, people), writing to page body, and database views as a sub-product.
We cater to Notion power users, SaaS startups, and educators, solving challenges like inefficient data entry, fragmented workflows, and administrative overload. NoteForms streamlines data collection, centralizes management, and simplifies workflows, boosting productivity while cutting costs for Notion enthusiasts. Create a form for free today with our Notion forms builder!

10 Powerful Ways to Use Notion as a CRM (Practical Guide)

Using Notion as a CRM
Using Notion as a CRM

1. Track Sales Pipelines

Use Kanban boards in Notion to track deal progress, moving clients through different sales process stages. These stages might include "Lead," "Proposal Sent," "Negotiating," and "Closed."

How it works

  • Use the "Status" property to represent different deal stages.
  • Drag and drop client cards between columns as deals progress.

Why it’s effective

Visualizing your sales pipeline lets you see where each client is in the process and focus on moving leads through the funnel more efficiently.

2. Customer Contact Management

Store detailed information about each customer, including contact details, communication history, and follow-up dates. Use Notion’s relational database feature to link customer records with meeting notes, emails, and project details.

How it works

  • Add properties like "Email," "Phone Number," and "Last Contacted" to your CRM database.
  • Create a "Relation" property to link contacts to related tasks or projects.
  • Add notes or comments directly to the customer’s page to log communications.

Why it’s effective

Having all relevant customer information in one place improves communication and ensures everything is noticed during follow-ups.

3. Manage Client Projects

Use Notion’s task management capabilities to link clients with specific projects, keeping all client interactions and deliverables in one place. This is particularly useful for service-based businesses that juggle multiple client projects.

How it works

  • Create a "Projects" database.
  • Use the "Relation" property to link clients in your CRM to their respective projects.
  • Track each project's deliverables, milestones, and deadlines in one unified view.

Why it’s effective

This allows you to track project progress while maintaining visibility into client communications, ensuring that nothing falls through the cracks.

4. Track Client Communication and Follow-Ups

Keep a log of all client communications, including emails, phone calls, and meetings. Set follow-up dates for each client to ensure timely outreach and relationship management.

How it works

  • Use the "Last Contacted" property to record when a client was last reached.
  • Add a "Next Follow-Up" date property with reminders to ensure timely communication.
  • Use the Calendar view to track upcoming follow-ups across all clients.

Why it’s effective

Staying on top of follow-ups ensures that potential leads stay calm and helps you build stronger client relationships over time.

5. Manage Client Onboarding

Create onboarding workflows and checklists for new clients to ensure a smooth transition from lead to customer. This process ensures that every necessary step is completed, such as setting up accounts, sending welcome emails, and assigning project tasks.

How it works

  • Create a template for client onboarding in Notion with predefined tasks.
  • Assign tasks to team members and track progress in a Kanban or checklist format.
  • Use reminders and due dates to ensure the timely completion of onboarding steps.

Why it’s effective

A structured onboarding process improves the client experience and ensures that all critical steps are handled promptly.

6. Revenue and Deal Tracking

Track potential revenue for each client or deal by adding a property for "Deal Value" in your CRM database. This allows you to monitor revenue forecasts and identify high-value opportunities.

How it works

  • Add a "Deal Value" (Number) property to your CRM.
  • Use the Rollup property to calculate the total potential revenue from your sales pipeline.
  • Create dashboards to visualize revenue forecasts and track progress toward goals.

Why it’s effective

Tracking revenue helps you focus on high-value deals, improve forecasting accuracy, and make data-driven decisions about your sales strategy.

7. Create and Manage Sales Goals

Use Notion’s databases, and Rollup features to set sales targets and track performance against those goals. This lets your team focus on key objectives and monitor progress over time.

How it works

  • Set up a "Sales Goals" database with target revenue or deal numbers.
  • Use the "Relation" and "Rollup" properties to pull data from your CRM and track progress.
  • Visualize performance on a dashboard using progress bars or charts.

Why it’s effective

Setting clear, measurable sales goals keeps your team focused and helps you stay on track to meet quarterly or annual targets.

8. Team Collaboration on CRM Entries

Invite your team members to collaborate on CRM entries. Assign specific leads, contacts, or tasks to team members and use comments and mentions to facilitate communication.

How it works

  • Share the CRM database with your team.
  • Use the "People" property to assign clients or leads to specific team members.
  • Comment on individual contact pages and mention team members (@username) to discuss client status or actions.

Why it’s effective

Collaborative CRM management ensures that everyone on the team has visibility into client status and responsibilities, improving teamwork and coordination.

9. Monitor Client Feedback and Satisfaction

Use Notion to collect and track client feedback through surveys, emails, or direct conversations. This information can be stored in your CRM database, helping you measure customer satisfaction and improve based on feedback.

How it works

  • Create a "Feedback" property to log client satisfaction or complaints.
  • To collect feedback and store responses directly in Notion, use a survey tool integrated with Notion, such as Google Forms or NoteForms.
  • Track client sentiment over time and address any issues that arise.

Why it’s effective

Collecting and analyzing feedback helps you improve client retention and ensures your customers are satisfied with your services.

10. Generate CRM Reports and Dashboards

Use Notion’s Rollup and Formula properties to generate reports on key CRM metrics, such as total deals closed, revenue generated, and client satisfaction scores. Create visual dashboards to display these metrics for easy reference.

How it works

  • Use the Rollup property to summarize key data points from your CRM.
  • Create a separate page for a CRM dashboard with charts, graphs, and progress bars to track performance.
  • Add metrics such as "Total Revenue," "Closed Deals," and "Average Lead Response Time."

Why it’s effective

Monitoring key CRM metrics on a visual dashboard allows you to monitor performance and make data-driven decisions to improve business outcomes.

Tips and Best Practices for Using Notion as a CRM

Using Notion as a CRM
Using Notion as a CRM

Keep Data Organized with Tags and Filters

Using tags and filters is crucial for maintaining an organized and efficient Notion CRM. Here are some best practices: Create tags for categorizing contacts, deals, and projects. Common tags could include deal status (e.g., "Prospect," "Negotiation," "Won"), lead priority (e.g., "High," "Medium," "Low"), and revenue potential (e.g., "$0-$10k," "$10k-$50k," "$50k+"). Set up views with filters to quickly access critical data. For example, create a view that shows all high-priority leads or another view that displays deals nearing closure.
This allows you to stay focused on the most critical information. Use nested tags for more granular categorization. For instance, you could have a "Client" tag with sub-tags like "Retainer," "Project-based," and "Ongoing." This helps you segment contacts based on the nature of your relationship. Regularly review and update your tagging system as your business evolves. Add new tags and remove outdated ones to streamline your CRM.

Use Templates for Efficiency

Creating templates for recurring tasks and processes can significantly boost efficiency in your Notion CRM. Consider setting up templates for customer onboarding, including checklists, welcome messages, and any necessary paperwork. This ensures a consistent experience for new clients. Create templates for follow-up tasks, such as sending post-meeting recaps or requesting referrals. Customize the templates based on the stage of the relationship.
Develop sales process templates that outline the steps from initial contact to closed deal. Include relevant information like talking points, objection handling, and next steps. Share templates with your team to maintain consistency and save time. Encourage everyone to use the templates for new clients or deals. Review and update templates regularly to reflect process changes or best practices.

Integrate with Other Tools

Integrating your Notion CRM with other tools in your tech stack can automate workflows and ensure data is synced in real time. Some valuable integrations include:

Email marketing platforms (e.g., MailChimp, Constant Contact)

Automatically add new contacts to your email lists based on their status in your CRM.

Calendar tools (e.g., Google Calendar, Outlook)

Sync meetings and events from your CRM to your calendar and vice versa.

Project management tools (e.g., Trello, Asana)

Create tasks or projects in your PM tool directly from your CRM.


This automation tool connects your Notion CRM with hundreds of other apps, enabling custom workflows tailored to your needs.


Leverage Relay's AI capabilities to automate data entry, generate meeting notes, and gain deeper insights into your customer relationships.

Update Your CRM Regularly

Keeping your Notion CRM up-to-date is essential for maintaining accurate and relevant data. Follow these practices:
  • Establish a routine for updating customer details, such as contact information, communication logs, and any changes in their business or needs.
  • Set reminders to review and update deal statuses regularly. This ensures that your pipeline accurately reflects the current state of your sales process.
  • Encourage your team to make real-time updates, especially after essential interactions or milestones. This keeps everyone on the same page.
  • Conduct quarterly or bi-annual CRM audits to identify and correct any missing or outdated information. This helps maintain data integrity over time.
  • Provide training and resources to help your team understand the importance of regular CRM updates and the best practices for doing so.

Collaborate with Your Team

Effective collaboration is critical to getting the most out of your Notion CRM. Here's how to foster teamwork:
  • Share relevant databases with team members based on their roles and responsibilities. This ensures everyone has access to the information they need.
  • Set permissions to control who can view, edit, or comment on specific pages or databases. This maintains data security while enabling collaboration.
  • Use mentions (e.g., @username) to notify team members of updates, assignments, or requests for feedback.
  • Encourage team members to leave comments on deals, projects, or interactions to share insights, ask questions, or provide context.
  • Schedule regular CRM review meetings to discuss pipeline updates, identify roadblocks, and share best practices.
  • Designate a CRM admin to oversee data quality, manage permissions, and provide training and support to the team.

Transform Data Entry with Notion Forms

NoteForms's Notion forms builder supercharges Notion by enabling seamless form creation that integrates directly with Notion databases. Our key features include creating forms from existing Notion DBs, storing submissions in Notion DBs, unlimited forms and submissions, full customization (custom domains, design, logic, webhooks), embeddable forms, integrations (email, Zapier, Slack), support for Notion-specific columns (relation, people), writing to page body, and database views as a sub-product.
We cater to Notion power users, SaaS startups, and educators, solving challenges like inefficient data entry, fragmented workflows, and administrative overload. NoteForms streamlines data collection, centralizes management, and simplifies workflows, boosting productivity while cutting costs for Notion enthusiasts.
Create a form for free today with our Notion forms builder!

Common Pitfalls and How to Overcome Them

Using Notion as a CRM
Using Notion as a CRM

Curbing the Over-Complication of Your CRM Setup

When using Notion as a CRM, it is easy to get carried away and create a complex database with too many fields, views, and automated processes. However, doing so can lead to a cluttered and overwhelming setup that is difficult to manage.

How to avoid

Focus on essential CRM properties like contact details, status, next follow-up date, and deal value. Add additional properties only as needed. Start with a simple structure and expand gradually as you become more familiar with CRM.

Best practice

Review your CRM layout regularly. Remove unused fields or databases that don't serve a clear purpose.


Instead of creating a field for every possible client interaction, stick to core categories like "Last Contacted" and "Next Action." This keeps your CRM lean and efficient.

Creating Consistency in Data Entry

When multiple people use a Notion CRM, inconsistent data entry can cause problems. Different users may enter conflicting, incomplete, or inaccurate data, making it harder to track leads and clients effectively.

How to avoid

Create a standardized template. Set up a CRM template with predefined fields that ensure consistency. Use Notion’s template feature to enforce uniformity across all client entries, ensuring everyone on your team follows the same structure.

Best practice

Educate your team about the importance of consistent data entry and create a guide outlining the correct process for adding clients and deals.


Use a "New Client Template" with predefined fields like "Email," "Phone," "Next Follow-Up Date," and "Status." This will help prevent errors and ensure every client record looks the same.

Scheduling Regular Updates in Your CRM

The data becomes stale and unreliable if users or team members don’t regularly update the CRM. This can lead to missed follow-ups, lost leads, and poor customer management.

How to avoid

Set regular reminders and reviews. Use Notion’s reminder feature to prompt team members to update client records after every interaction. Schedule regular team reviews to ensure the CRM is always current.

Best practice

Establish a weekly or bi-weekly routine where each team member reviews their assigned clients, updates statuses, and schedules follow-up tasks.


Set up a recurring "CRM Update" meeting on Fridays. During this meeting, team members review all leads, update contact information, and ensure follow-up tasks are created for the following week.

Utilizing Automation Features

Manually entering data and updating the CRM can become tedious and prone to errors. Users often overlook the automation features available within Notion or integrations like Zapier, which could save time and reduce mistakes.

How to avoid

Leverage automation. Use tools like Zapier to automate repetitive tasks, such as adding new leads from web forms into your Notion CRM or setting follow-up reminders. Automations can free up time and ensure your CRM is always up to date without manual effort.

Best practice

Identify the tasks that consume the most time and automate them. For example, automatically adding leads from an inquiry form into your CRM can save hours of manual work.


Set up a Zapier integration that automatically pulls new client data from your website’s contact form and adds it to Notion, creating a seamless lead intake process.

Protecting Your Client Data

If sensitive client data isn’t correctly secured within Notion, there is a risk of unauthorized access, which could lead to data breaches or compliance issues.

How to avoid

Use permissions and encryption. Ensure your Notion workspace is secure by setting proper permissions for team members. Limit access to sensitive client information only to those who need it. Use encryption tools and features that enhance the security of your Notion workspace.

Best practice

Review who has access to your CRM regularly, and ensure that only essential team members have full editing rights. Always back up important data in secure locations.


Restrict CRM database access to key team members like sales managers while allowing other team members to have "View Only" access.

Analyzing Your Client Data

You must track and analyze key metrics to ensure you can improve your sales performance or identify issues in the customer management process. Many users don’t take full advantage of Notion’s ability to roll up data and create dashboards.

How to avoid

Set up dashboards and KPIs. Use Notion’s Rollup and Formula properties to track important metrics such as total deals closed, revenue generated, or the number of leads in the pipeline. Set up dashboards to visualize performance and gain insights into your team's performance.

Best practice

Create a custom dashboard with key performance indicators (KPIs) your team reviews regularly. Track progress toward goals like closing rates, follow-up response times, and sales volume.


Create a CRM dashboard that displays the number of deals in each sales pipeline stage and the total projected revenue for the month. This will help you monitor team performance.

Best CRM Templates from Notion to Use

Using Notion as a CRM
Using Notion as a CRM

Notion Sales CRM Template: Your Go-To for Tracking Sales Pipelines

The Notion Sales CRM Template tracks sales pipelines and manages customer relationships. It helps organize leads, follow up on potential customers, and track sales performance. Users can easily manage multiple sales opportunities without creating a CRM from scratch. The template comes with ready-made columns for client name, deal stage, deal value, and subsequent action, making staying organized a breeze.

Notion Customer Success Template: Ensure Smooth Sailing Post-Sales

The Notion Customer Success Template is designed to help teams manage ongoing client relationships and post-sales service. It ensures that all critical touchpoints with clients are logged and client success efforts are well-managed. The template includes columns for tracking client status, renewal dates, customer satisfaction, and ongoing support requests. This makes it easier for customer success teams to stay on top of active clients and improve retention rates.

Notion Agency CRM Template: Perfect for Managing Multiple Clients & Projects

The Notion Agency CRM Template is perfect for agencies managing multiple clients and projects. It focuses on tracking client interactions and project deliverables in a unified workspace. The template allows agencies to track all their client’s contact information, project statuses, invoicing, and even deliverable deadlines. It integrates project and CRM functionality, making it highly versatile.

Notion Freelancer CRM Template: A Simple CRM for Independent Workers

The Notion Freelancer CRM Template is a simple yet effective CRM template tailored to freelancers who need to manage client relationships, projects, and invoicing in one place. This lightweight template is perfect for those working independently. The template includes fields for client name, project status, following action, and payment tracking. This makes it easy for freelancers to juggle multiple clients while ensuring all tasks and payments are handled efficiently.

Notion Real Estate CRM Template: Track Leads, Properties, and Clients

The Notion Real Estate CRM Template is designed for professionals who manage leads, properties, and clients. It’s structured to allow agents to track buyers and sellers, follow up on leads, and keep tabs on open properties. The template includes properties for property location, client interest, deal status, and closing dates. This makes it easy to keep track of real estate transactions and manage relationships with buyers and sellers.

Create a Form for Free Today with our Notion Forms Builder

NoteForms's Notion forms builder supercharges Notion by enabling seamless form creation that integrates directly with Notion databases. Our key features include creating forms from existing Notion DBs, storing submissions in Notion DBs, unlimited forms and submissions, full customization (custom domains, design, logic, webhooks), embeddable forms, integrations (email, Zapier, Slack), support for Notion-specific columns (relation, people), writing to page body, and database views as a sub-product.
We cater to Notion power users, SaaS startups, and educators, solving challenges like inefficient data entry, fragmented workflows, and administrative overload. NoteForms streamlines data collection, centralizes management, and simplifies workflows, boosting productivity while cutting costs for Notion enthusiasts.
Create a form for free today with our Notion forms builder!

How NoteForms Enhances Notion as a CRM

Using Notion as a CRM
Using Notion as a CRM

Form Creation for Client Data Collection

Using Notion as a CRM
Using Notion as a CRM
NoteForms lets users create custom forms that automatically populate client data into Notion databases. This is especially useful for businesses that frequently gather client information, such as lead capture forms on websites, feedback forms, or event registrations.

How It Works

Use NoteForms to design a form with custom fields (e.g., name, email, company, deal value). Embed this form on your website or share it directly with clients. When clients submit the form, the data is instantly added to your Notion CRM without manual data entry.

Why It’s Effective

Automating the data collection process reduces errors and saves time, ensuring all relevant client data is immediately available in your CRM.

Use Case

A digital marketing agency could use NoteForms to collect new client inquiries. All data would be automatically populated into their Notion CRM for quick follow-up.

Custom Workflows for Lead Management and Project Tracking

NoteForms can be customized to match your unique workflow, whether for capturing new leads or managing ongoing client projects. With full-form customization options, you can create workflows tailored to specific client needs or stages in the customer journey.

How It Works

Create custom forms to capture data types, such as lead status updates or project progress. Use NoteForms to automatically tag entries based on responses (e.g., "New Lead," "High Priority") and funnel them into the correct category in your CRM.

Why It’s Effective

Custom workflows ensure that information is sorted correctly and that leads or clients are categorized efficiently for follow-up, project tracking, or invoicing.

Use Case

A startup managing various client projects could use NoteForms to track project updates, ensuring that all tasks, feedback, and milestones are stored in their Notion CRM and linked to each client.

Advanced Customization and Automation

NoteForms allows users to fully customize their forms, offering options like custom domains, logic-based responses, and integrations with email or Slack. This will enable businesses to automate their CRM processes and streamline data flow between different tools.

How It Works

Design forms that include conditional logic (e.g., if a client selects "High Budget," they are automatically categorized as a "Priority Lead"). Set up automatic notifications in Slack or email when a new form submission is received, enabling quick responses to client inquiries or feedback.

Why It’s Effective

By automating responses and organizing data automatically, businesses can ensure fast lead follow-up, efficient client onboarding, and seamless communication between teams.

Use Case

A SaaS company could use NoteForms to create logic-based customer satisfaction surveys. If a client gives low feedback, the form automatically alerts the customer success team, ensuring timely intervention.

Integrating with Other Tools for Maximum Efficiency

NoteForms integrates with tools like Zapier and Slack, enabling businesses to automate tasks like sending form responses to multiple platforms. This integration can further enhance your Notion CRM by connecting it to external systems.

How It Works

Set up NoteForms to connect with external tools like Slack for notifications or use Zapier to push data from NoteForms into other applications like Google Sheets or an email marketing platform. Automate follow-up tasks in Notion based on form submissions, such as scheduling a sales call when a lead submits an inquiry.

Why It’s Effective

Integration ensures data flows smoothly across different platforms, reducing manual work and increasing productivity.

Use Case

A sales team could set up a form for booking sales calls. Once a client submits the form, Zapier automates scheduling the call in Google Calendar and sends a Slack notification to the sales rep.

Create a Form for Free Today with our Notion Forms Builder

Using Notion as a CRM
Using Notion as a CRM
Notion forms are powerful tools that let you collect information from other people. Instead of manually entering data into your Notion databases, you can create a form to collect information from others. When someone fills out your form, their responses automatically populate your Notion database. This means you can streamline data collection, eliminate inefficient data entry tasks, and cut administrative costs.
  • Google Sheets To Notion
  • Notion Database Automations
  • Notion Project Management
  • Create A Form In Notion
  • Typeform Notion Integration

We are loved by startups, freelancers, Fortune 500 companies and many more. Step up your Notion game with beautiful forms. Get started now 👇

Ready to step up your Notion Game?

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Written by

Julien Nahum
Julien Nahum

Founder of NoteForms

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